Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine;
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, New York Academy of Sciences, Member of the Board of Directors of the International Project Management Association (IRMA); Laureate of the State Prize in the field of science and technology.
Head of Projects and Programs of the World Bank for Reconstruction and Development; Project Manager for the reorganization and restructuring of Ukrainian enterprises of the construction and fuel and energy sectors of the national economy; the organizer of ten and the participant of more than 40 international congresses, conferences, symposia; author of more than 30 monographs and textbooks and more than 300 scientific articles; delivered lectures at universities: Austria, England, Germany, Spain, Poland, Slovakia, USA, Czech Republic, Sweden and other countries; Head of Project Management Department at Kiev National University of Construction and Architecture; prepared more than 30 candidates and doctors of science on computer technology and project management; winner of the title “Best Professor of Ukraine” (1987); First Assessor and Validator of the IPMA International Project Management Association; Professor of the Business School of the University SCEMA Lille, Paris (France); Professor of Sydney University of Technology (Australia); Awarded the Order of Honor of the Main Tax Administration of Ukraine; awarded an honorary sign of the head of the Kiev administration; awarded the Order of Honor of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine; · Experience in projects over 40 years.
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Completed projects:
Projects of reorganization and restructuring of Ukrainian enterprises of the construction, fuel and energy, food and processing industries (head);
Projects of the World Bank for Reconstruction and Development – (manager, consultant);
NATO project on the management of complex projects and programs (head);
Project “Modernization of the State Tax Service of Ukraine” (head);
Project “Creating a VAT Administration System” (head).