Dear colleagues!
On May 21, 2022, Kyiv will host the International Workshop “IT Project Management” (ITPM 2022), organized by the Ukrainian Association of Project Management, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Ternopil National Technical University named after I. Pulyuya, Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Dortmund, Germany; AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland; International University of Information Technology, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
The materials of the Workshop are planned to be published on the platform in a periodical, which is indexed in the scient-metric database Scopus.
The theme of the workshop reflects current problems in the field of IT portfolio management, programs, projects. During the Workshop, both theoretical developments and their application in practice will be considered.
The main purpose of the ITPM-2022 workshop is to discuss the latest research results in the following areas:
- Modeling of project management processes in the IT industry.
- Information technologies for project and program management.
- Human resource management and leadership in IT project management.
- Algorithms and tools for decision making in IT project management.
- Design and IT technologies
- Management of IT projects and programs.
- Formation of project portfolios of IT companies.
- Data mining, application in IT project management.
- Integrated IT project management.
- Training in project management and models of international certification.
The workshop materials may include articles presenting the results of original research in the field of IT project management, including project action methodologies, project team management, project analysis from the perspective of employers, important aspects of IT training, emotional states of project team members and more.
The official language of the ITPM 2022 workshop is English. All works must also be written and presented in English. The workshop will take the form of oral presentations in English with presentations. Reporting is required. Materials of reports that have not been submitted will not be included in the collection of materials.
Articles must be original, i.e. not published in previous seminars, conferences or journals and contain at least 10 “standard” pages (1 standard page = 2500 characters) and the appropriate number of links.
Your application must be prepared using Microsoft Word Proceedings.
- no more than 5 authors per article;
- self-citation not more than 20%.
- 3. the total index of authors in the DBLP database is at least 5
All proposals will be evaluated by at least three members of the International Program Committee. In addition, accepted reports must be presented at the conference by at least one of their authors. All accepted reports will be published in the electronic material of the conference.
Author’s agreement on publication of the contribution in open access on
All reports for participation in the conference (in DOC format) are submitted via the Easychair system:
- March 15: deadline for submission of documents.
- April 15: Notice of acceptance by the Organizing Committee.
- April 20: deadline for receiving documents with changes.
- May 21: Workshop.